Is The Sony a6000 Discontinued? The End Of A Wonderful Camera.

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Sadly, the Sony a6000 has been discontinued since 2020. This is not a surprise, as the camera was released in 2014 and it has been replaced by newer models.


Nevertheless, the Sony Alpha a6000 was one of the best entry-level mirrorless cameras on the market, so it is still worth considering if you are in the market for a camera. As a matter of fact, I’m still using mine, and will not part ways with it.

When did Sony discontinue the Sony Alpha a6000?

Sony officially discontinued the Sony Alpha a6000 in November 2020. Also, at that time, I was browsing B&H Photo Video and I saw that the Sony Alpha a6000 has been discontinued. I talked to them and they confirmed that the camera has been discontinued.

If you have or planning to get a Sony a6000, don’t be discouraged to get it because it is still a great camera, and a lot of photographers, including myself, love using it. And with today’s pricing, it’s more affordable than ever—and that’s a great thing.

You can still get this great small mirrorless camera at Amazon. And another good thing is, you can still get it brand new.

There is also a plethora of great lenses available for the Sony a6000. It’s important to know that even though this camera has been discontinued, the Sony a6000 is a very capable camera and some pros even use it as a backup camera for their work.

What’s The Replacement?

If you’re looking for a camera that can do everything the a6000 can, but better, then check out the Sony a6600. It has a new 24.2 APS-C Exmor sensor with front end LSI, continuous shooting up to 11fps, and 4K video recording. Moreover, the Sony a6600 even has Bluetooth as opposed to the Sony a6000.

The camera was released in late 2019 and is a great option for those looking for a new or to upgrade their camera. Since the Sony Alpha a6600 is the latest model, you should expect that it’s still expensive, but it’s definitely worth it for the improvements.

If you want something cheaper but still an upgrade over the a6000, then check out the Sony a6500 or the Sony a6100. These cameras have fast autofocus and are great for beginners as well.

Sony a6000 Release Date

The Sony a6000 was released in 2014, making it one of Sony’s older mirrorless cameras. The company has since released several other models, but the A6000 still has a lot to offer and is worth considering if you’re looking for an upgrade.

I’m still using my Sony a6000 for shooting weddings, wildlife, sports, and portraits. I loved its small size and the rangefinder-style design that helped me focus more on my subjects rather than the camera.

How old is the Sony a6000?

The Sony a6000 was released back in 2014, which means it’s now over 8 years old (at the time of writing, 2022). It has older technology and has fewer features than its newest siblings, nevertheless, it’s still a great camera to use.

It’s easy to use and has a lot of great features that make it a very versatile choice for any photographer. It’s great for beginners that are looking for a camera that has advanced shooting functions without the bulk of a full-fledged DSLR.

The Sony a6000 is also a great camera for those that want to get into photography but don’t have a lot of money to spend on their first camera.


Even though the great Sony Alpha a6000 has been discontinued, you can still get it brand new at most retailers. It’s one of the best-selling Sony cameras ever and has a loyal following of photographers who love the camera for its easy-to-use design and great performance.

I can still recommend this mirrorless camera if you’re looking for a compact camera that can shoot great photos and videos.